BNTCu - Utility Token
BNTC utility token is a payment instrument that provides token holders with access to the Ecosystem’s services and products. BNTC utility tokens can be converted to BNTC security tokens.
In general, R&D with potentially high return on investment require know-how.
In today's global economy, R&D is regarded as an essential part of economic activity, a source of technological solutions and high value added.
At the same time, statistics show that the majority of attempts to commercialize high-tech innovations fail at the startup stage.
The reasons for failures are primarily bad management decisions when considering the commercialization of R&D projects and lack of an efficient mechanism for project risk management.
At the stage of seed investment in a high-tech startup project, traditional models and forms of investment are for the most part inefficient.
The BNT Ecosystem includes a set of frameworks, financial instruments, utilities and services for risk management on a blockchain platform. These instruments and frameworks form a single system that monitors and ensures the fulfillment of safe investment commitments.
The BNT Ecosystem provides a customized software solution to assess the commercial potential of R&D projects. The solution supports dynamic monitoring of startup performance indicators.
As a priority, the Ecosystem supports highly profitable, investment-worthy and socially responsible startups aimed at solving the problems of people all over the world.
BNTC utility token is a payment instrument that provides token holders with access to the Ecosystem’s services and products. BNTC utility tokens can be converted to BNTC security tokens.
BNTCu - Utility Token
BNTC security token is a secure financial instrument that may be used to invest in the innovative and high-tech business projects of the Ecosystem. Security tokens function similarly to shares or other securities, as well as give the right to a share in the profits.
BNTCs - Security Token
There is a limited amount of BNTC security tokens in free circulation that are required to raise funds and execute the business plans of the Ecosystem’s startups. Descriptions of all the Ecosystem’s startups are available on the official website.
All of the Ecosystem's tools and mechanisms use a blockchain technology, which helps prevent unauthorized access and guarantees the security of transactions made or arranged in the Ecosystem. Additionally, it ensures the fulfillment of the obligations by the parties, transparency and controllability of processes at all stages of business relationships. The BNT Ecosystem is a safe and secure business environment that provides for the AML and KYC procedures.
The blockchain platform will guarantee the security of data and assets for investors and startup initiators.
The smart contracts of NFTs, BNTC utility and security tokens are written using ERC-1155 Ethereum. We plan that the smart contracts of BNTC security tokens will be deployed on Hedera, using the Kaleido and Enjin software services.
NFT is a marketing tool of the BNT Ecosystem.
Users need to register to perform any actions related to the purchase and spending of BNTCU utility and security tokens.
The AML and/or KYC procedures are mandatory for all users of the Ecosystem who perform actions with the BNTCS security token for investment.